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Modular 3-Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
208VAC and 480VAC

Modular 3-Phase UPS Systems


DM Series (3-Phase 208VAC)

Systems Based on the PD30X-UL power module


RML Series (3-Phase 208VAC)

Systems Based on the PML12 power module
Systems Based on the PML15X power module
Systems Based on the PML20X power module

HM Series (3-Phase 480VAC)

Systems Based on the PM40X power module




Traditional UPS Systems

Traditional Cabinet UPS systems are provided for single phase and three phase applications. These systems typically are housed in free standing or equpment rack mountable enclosures and often include batteies which are integral to the same cabinet or adjacent matching cabinet of the UPS system''s electronics section.

Component Selected UPS Systems

Component selected or "component matched" UPS systems result from choosing specialty components. This takes place when the user requires special features or functions which aren't typically made avaialbe in a mass produced product offering. Users will choose this path to achieve areas of higher reliability, greater capacity growth, flexibility in power delivery type such as protecting both AC and DC loads, and other unique aspects. This subject area also includes the compbined integration of renwable power with utility fed power and it's isolation and coversion to protected computer grade output power.